I Need to Lose Weight: Can a Nutrition Coach Help?

I Need to Lose Weight: Can a Nutrition Coach Help?

You’re tired of carrying extra pounds and you want to make this the year that you take charge of your weight and health through better eating habits. It’s no exaggeration to say that this simple notion is incredibly difficult when you’re faced with a sea of processed foods that are calorie-rich and nutrient-poor. 

To navigate these tricky waters, the team here at Choulet Wellness features a nutrition coach — Cheyenne Klein, RN — who can help change your life through your diet. The simple fact is that not only can nutrition coaching help you lose that weight, but it can also help improve your physical and mental health in meaningful ways.

Here’s a look at the many advantages of having a nutrition coach by your side.

The nutrition problem worldwide

In very little time —  a hundred years or so — much of the world’s population has gone from one in which there wasn’t enough to eat to one in which obesity has become a global health crisis. 

As a result, statistics surrounding weight issues are eye-opening. In the United States alone, two out of three people are considered overweight, and one in three tips the scales toward obesity.

One of the primary drivers of the global weight problem is that much of our food is now processed in order to feed a growing population and to solve storage issues. As you enter your local supermarket, this issue is made very clear as you encounter aisle after aisle of foods that are canned, boxed, and packaged, leaving you with options that are long on calories, but short on nutritional value.

The many benefits of nutrition coaching

While we’ve painted a fairly dire picture of the state of nutrition in the US and around the world, there are many ways in which you can improve your nutrition, so you can lose weight and improve your overall health and wellness.

To help you figure out an actionable plan that best suits your lifestyle and goals, a nutrition coach can play an invaluable role.
When you come in, Cheyenne first reviews your current health and lifestyle, your eating habits, and any other factors that may influence your nutrition.

With this baseline information, Cheyenne creates a nutritional program that’s tailored to your unique needs. While putting a plan into writing and handing you the information is a great first step, we understand that changing the way you eat is rarely that easy.

Through her nutrition coaching, Cheyenne can:

  • Accompany you to the grocery store to help you shop better

  • Analyze your food journal

  • Break down what your true caloric, carbohydrate, protein, and fat needs are

In other words, Cheyenne is with you every step of the way, educating you as you go, so you can approach food with knowledge, rather than impulse or convenience.

Rest assured, the nutrition programs that Cheyenne introduces are based on science and are the best way for you to lose weight and keep it off. These programs are designed to supply your body with the healthy nutrients it needs, so you did not only lose weight, but your health improves at the same time.  

As you progress and reap the benefits of a newer, healthier way of eating, these new habits will replace the old and set you up for a lifetime of great nutrition and health.

If you’d like to lose weight the right way, we can help. To learn more, call 480-448-6571 or book an appointment online with Choulet Wellness today. We’re based in Scottsdale, Arizona, and we also serve the Paradise Valley area.