Understanding Depression

Understanding Depression

Feeling sad is part of the human condition and is perfectly normal from time to time. However, ongoing and overwhelming feelings of sadness, worthlessness, and hopelessness are not. There are several types of depression, but what they all share in common is that they can make life fairly miserable.

If you relate to this, there’s hope. Dr. Brook Choulet and our experienced mental health experts here at Choulet Wellness offer compassionate and comprehensive treatment for depression.

In the following, we outline the different ways in which depression can manifest itself and how we can help you break free from your mood disorder, so you can lead a happy life again.

The different types of depression

In the simplest definition, depression is a mood disorder that leads to feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness that overwhelm you and make functioning in life very difficult. There can be many other symptoms of this mood disorder, such as sleep issues and difficulty concentrating, but the overwhelming sadness truly lies at the heart of depression.

As a mood disorder, depression is typically caused by chemical imbalances in your brain that make it very hard for you to control your emotions, which means you can’t simply choose to be happy again.

There are several types of depression, and the more common include:

Major depressive disorder

You experience the symptoms of depression for two weeks or more, and you’re unable to function well (sleeping, eating, working, etc.).

Postpartum depression

Approximately 70-80% of women experience the “baby blues” after they give birth and their hormones begin to return to more normal levels. For 1 in 7 women, however, these blues turn into symptoms of depression that last for a year or more.

Persistent depressive disorder

This type of depression is a little more subtle as you experience milder symptoms, but they persist for two years or more.

Seasonal affective disorder

If your moods change dramatically with the seasons, we call it a seasonal affective disorder. Thanks to the abundant sunshine and warm temperatures here in Arizona, this type of depression isn’t as prevalent, but it does exist.

While the circumstances and severity of symptoms can differ from person to person regarding these mental health issues, they all share the depression component.

There is hope

One of the biggest challenges when it comes to depression of any kind is the feeling of hopelessness, but we want to assure you that there is hope.

We’ve successfully helped scores of patients overcome depression using a combination of medications, such as antidepressants, and talk therapy.

Tackling depression doesn’t happen overnight, but by helping you to better regulate your moods, you can take back control of your life and find happiness and meaning again.

For expert care of your depression, call 480-442-9599 or book an appointment online with Choulet Wellness today. We’re based in Scottsdale, Arizona, and we also serve the Paradise Valley area.