What is Enzyme Exfoliation and How Can It Help My Skin?

What is Enzyme Exfoliation and How Can It Help My Skin?

It’s been a long haul this past year and a half and we’ve all missed out on family gatherings, as well as those services that keep us looking and feeling our best. As the holidays approach, why not take advantage of our newfound freedom and give yourself the gift of great skin heading into the new year?

Here at Choulet WellnessBrook Choulet, MD, and our team believe that wellness is as much an outside job as it is an inside one, which is why we look forward to offering comprehensive skincare services. In this blog, we focus on what enzyme exfoliation is and how this approach to skincare can give your skin a fresh, glowing start.

The benefits of exfoliation 

To understand why enzyme exfoliation is so effective, let’s break down the two key components of this type of skincare, starting with exfoliation. Under normal circumstances, your skin cells do a great job of turning over — old skin cells die off and new ones take their place.

To help pave the way for these new skin cells and accelerate the turnover, it’s helpful to quickly clear away the dead and damaged cells through exfoliation. Not only does clearing away old skin cells help speed up turnover, exfoliation removes debris from the oil glands and pores in your skin so that your skin has a healthier glow.

We should also mention that exfoliation is more important as you age since cellular turnover tends to slow down. When this happens, we can encourage your skin to continue to renew itself by clearing away old skin through exfoliation.

Enter enzymes

Many exfoliation products contain chemicals or abrasive granules that strip away dead cells from your epidermis and clean out your pores. While effective, these approaches can be quite harsh on your skin, which is where enzyme exfoliation comes in.

When we apply enzymes to your skin, they “unglue” the keratin that keeps dead skin cells on the surface of your skin. Once freed, these enzymes then target and digest the dead skin cells, leaving the healthy ones well enough alone.

As a result, enzyme exfoliation is as effective as traditional exfoliation techniques, but far more gentle on your skin.

The enzymes that we use are usually derived from plants and fruits, which makes enzyme exfoliation a great, all-natural approach to beautiful skin.

After your enzyme exfoliation, your skin is primed to absorb healthy serums, which we can apply afterward to nourish and moisturize your skin.

If you want to hit the reset button on your skin before the holidays, we can help. To learn more, call 480-448-6571 or book an appointment online with Choulet Wellness today. We’re located at the border of Scottsdale and Paradise Valley in Arizona.