What to Expect During Your First Therapy Session

What to Expect During Your First Therapy Session

People seek therapy for different reasons. You may have a situation causing you anxiety in your present life, or you may need to recover from some traumas from your past. Regardless of your reasons, it is essential that you know what to expect during your first session.


The first therapy session will not be like all your future visits. It will be a period for you and your therapist to familiarize yourself with each other before proceeding. Expect the other sessions to be as therapeutic as you desire. Read on to learn more about what to expect during your first therapy session.



First Session



At your first therapy session, you’ll enter the Choulet Wellness office, which has a relaxing and spa-like feel. Upon checking in with the client care coordinator, you will be offered water and sit in our luxurious waiting area. Your appointment will start on time, as we take timeliness seriously. You will have completed paperwork online before entering the office, so there will be nothing further to fill out upon your arrival. Your therapist will then meet you in the waiting room to guide you back to their office at the time of your visit.





The first part of your therapy session will be about familiarizing yourself with the therapist. You will need to get to know each other first. 


You do not have to start talking about your deep secrets or personal things immediately. Feel free to tell them about your interests, the books you love, or a movie that you love so much. Doing so helps to know how your interaction will be even in future sessions.



Talk About Your Needs



Your therapist will then ask you what brought you to the session. They may want to know what needs you have that need addressing through the sessions. They will also want to know how best to help you by understanding what worked or did not.






Everyone feels a rush of emotion when they first go for their therapy session. If you experience this, know that it is nothing abnormal. Remember that you are in a safe space and that everything is 100 percent confidential. 


Everything you share will not go outside the confines of the room. Your therapist can only speak of what you tell them to another individual if they have documented or written permission from you. However, you do not need to be afraid.


Opening up can be a very vulnerable act to do. Remember that your therapist is there to help you. They have the appropriate experience and techniques to help you. They are human beings, and they understand the struggles you have. Thus, trust them and do not shy away from your feelings.


It is also essential to note that the first session may not change much because therapy is a journey. Enter your first appointment with an open mind and managed expectations. Do not feel the pressure to meet any expectations.






Your therapist may ask you different questions to make the therapy sessions impactful. You can also ask them questions. It is always good to prepare some so you can leave the session with satisfaction and fewer concerns. Ask anything that you need to be clarified. Once the therapy is over, your therapist can schedule another appointment with you to explore further how to treat you.


For more about you first Scottsdale therapy session, visit Choulet Wellness at our office in Scottsdale, Arizona. Call (480) 448-6571 to book an appointment today.