Neuropsychological Evaluation

Choulet Performance Psychiatry®

Scottsdale Concierge Psychiatry and Therapy

A neuropsychological evaluation is utilized to better understand how your brain functions. It includes a battery of tests to assess various areas of cognitive function or thinking processes. These areas of functioning include memory, learning, attention/concentration, language, reasoning, visuospatial skills and executive functioning (abstract thinking, planning, organizing and problem solving). These tests are administered by a licensed psychologist with specialized training in neuropsychology.

(480) 448-6571

Neuropsychological Q&A

What is neuropsychological testing?

Comprehensive neuropsychological testing typically requires 10-12 hours of total time including 4-6 hours of direct face-to-face time with the client. You will get breaks during the session and, in some cases, you might need to make more than one visit. Your provider will obtain a thorough medical history including specific concerns with cognitive functioning. Following an extensive clinical interview, your psychologist will administer several tests to measure your current level of cognitive functioning. At the conclusion of the evaluation, the psychologist will provide a comprehensive written evaluation and verbal feedback to interested parties. Your healthcare provider may refer you for neuropsychological evaluation for the following concerns:

  • Traumatic Brain Injury or concussion

  • Memory issues including possible Alzheimer’s disease or other types of dementia

  • ADHD

  • Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders

  • Stroke/TIA

  • Intellectual or developmental disability

  • Learning disability

  • Emotional disorders, such as anxiety or depression

  • Normal brain changes related to aging

  • IQ evaluation including giftedness

When is neuropsychological testing recommended?

Healthcare providers, including neurologists and primary care specialists, may request neuropsychological testing if they notice trends or changes such as:

  • Changes in short-term memory, like asking the same question over and over

  • Difficulty communicating or interacting with others

  • Difficulty speaking or finding words

  • Frequently losing items or getting lost easily

  • Difficulty with understanding or managing bills or finances

  • Poor attention and concentration

  • Poor judgment/decision-making

  • Trouble recognizing familiar people, like close family members and friends

  • Trouble staying organized or completing tasks

  • An unexplained change in personality, like an increase in anxiety or depression, or the development of delusions or hallucinations

How do I prepare for the evaluation?

You'll want to function at your best to get the most accurate results. Here are some tips:

  • Get a good night's sleep

  • Try to eat a good breakfast

  • Take all of your medications as usual unless you’re directly instructed to do otherwise

  • ​​​​​​​Bring along any glasses, contact lenses, hearing aids or other assistive devices

  • Share with your care team the results of any past neuropsychological, psychological or academic testing

  • Relax and do not worry about the results

What type of results do you receive and what do the results mean?

Your neuropsychologist will write an in-depth report that explains your results. The report identifies both your strengths and any areas where you didn’t perform as expected. It includes recommendations and interventions to improve these skills, and possibly, referrals to other professionals.

When will I know the results of the evaluation?

It usually takes a couple of weeks for your neuropsychologist to score the tests, interpret the results and make recommendations. During this time, try to busy yourself with daily tasks and activities so you don’t worry too much about your results.